(Kris Iskandar) (04/12/89)
I need some info on how to access many (up to 8) serial ports under DOS.
I am working on a 386 system with DOS 3.3 and MS-Window/386.
Can somebody please direct me to the right resources (programs,
references, etc)? I am programming in Turbo C Professional.
I know that communication programs such as Procomm allows you to
access up to 8 COM ports. How do they do this? Do you need special
hardware for it? All info are appreciated.
Thanks in advance for your suggestion.
|-^-~--v^v--^^~v~---^-- Kris Iskandar ---^-~~v^-v^---~--v^v^-~v^---~~v^^----
Electrical Engineering Dept. | INTERNET:
University of Florida | BITNET : iskand@ufeng
Gainesville, FL 32611, U.S.A.| UUCP: ...gatech!uflorida!!kis