[comp.windows.ms] Why call it Windows/386?

leif@ambush.dk (Leif Andrew Rump) (05/21/89)

In article <13659@ncoast.ORG>, allbery@ncoast.ORG (Brandon S. Allbery) writes:
> As quoted from <5723@microsoft.UUCP> by paulc@microsoft.UUCP (Paul Canniff 2/1011):
> +---------------
> | In article <89May12.000432edt.19614@me.utoronto.ca> yap@me.utoronto.ca (Davin Yap) writes:
<stuff deleted about why Win286 don't use protected mode>
> | To differentiaite it from Win386, of course.

Well Win386 don't run in (full) protected mode either - yet!!!

  Leif Andrew Rump, AmbraSoft A/S, Roejelskaer 15, DK-2840 Holte, Denmark
 UUCP: leif@ambra.dk, phone: +45 42424 111, touch phone: +45 42422 817+313

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