[comp.windows.ms] Debugging kernel for OS/2 on a PS/2..

jack@csccat.UUCP (Jack Hudler) (06/24/89)

	I wonder does anyone know if there is a Debugging
	kernel for OS/2 that runs on a PS/2! We have been
	trying to get an answer from IBM but no luck, I
	have tried Dial and haven't got a good answer from
	them either.. I get the answer you might try IBM...
	so we did.. and we get the answer.. you might try 
	Microsoft, but well see if we can't find someone here
	that can answer it.. silence.
	And the profiling kernel for a PS/2 doesn't work either.

	We have the OS/2 SE SDK.. lastest version, got it a several
	weeks ago, we have the software installed on PS/2's
	an AT clones. The AT's work great debugging and profiling.

	I thought that OS/2 was the software to make the PS/2 
	line really mean somthing, seems to me we have been
	left out in the cold!

	Jack Hudler
	Computer Support Corp.
	+1 214 661 8060
Classic Quotes from STNG: "Pen Pals"
Picard: Her society is aware .. that there is intersteller life?
Data:   No Sir.
Picard: Oooops..

daveg@hpcvlx.HP.COM (Dave Guggisberg) (06/28/89)

Buy--yes there's that word again--the OS/2 Device Drivers Kit.
That is where they put the debugging kernel.

Dave Guggisberg

jack@csccat.UUCP (Jack Hudler) (06/28/89)

In article <106580049@hpcvlx.HP.COM> daveg@hpcvlx.HP.COM (Dave Guggisberg) writes:
>Buy--yes there's that word again--the OS/2 Device Drivers Kit.
>That is where they put the debugging kernel.
>Dave Guggisberg

Yes they put it there also, but on my AT setup there's a replacement
for OS2KRNL, it apparently has the symdeb like debugger in it. If I
press 'break' at the rip, on my PS2 I lock up, on my AT it drops me
into Codeview if I am using it or the kernel debugger.

Jack 		Computer Support Corportion		Dallas,Texas 
Hudler		UUCP: {texsun,texbell,killer}!csccat!jack