[comp.windows.ms] Urgently needed information on Development Kit

2014_5001@uwovax.uwo.ca (07/14/89)


	Interface Science Western requires information regarding the Windows
Development Kit.  In particular, we need version 1.04 but it has long been
discontinued, would you know if:

	1.  These kits are upwardly compatible (i.e. would version 2.xx 
		cause any problems?)

	2.  There is a place where we can buy/rent/use this or newer version?

	We would love to expend the cash to buy it, but if the version we buy
does not work with the existing source code then we waste a lot of money.  If
you have any advice/ideas/alternatives please reply or phone Roger Hunt at
679 2111 ext. 6447 (UWO, London, Ontario)

! Alexander Pruss, at one of: Department of Applied Mathematics, Astronomy, !
! Mathematics, or Physics                     University of Western Ontario !
! pruss@uwovax.uwo.ca         pruss@uwovax.BITNET          A5001@nve.uwo.ca !
! If I don't respond:  try   mayhem@uwovax.BITNET  or  mayhem@uwovax.uwo.ca !
! "Is it ${\bf G}=8\pi{\bf T},$    or is it                                 !
!   $i\hbar {{d\left| Pt\right>}\over {t dt}}={\cal H}\left| Pt \right>.$?  !
!   ... Or both approximately???" -- Anonymous                              !