[comp.windows.ms] serial i/o under windows

kipnis@janus.Berkeley.EDU (Gary Kipnis) (10/13/89)

Hi, I have another question regarding serial i/o under ms-windows, I
decided to use 'GetCommError' function and then look at the 
number of characters in the input queue if > 0 ==> I read them, otherewise
I have no characters to process, I use the above call every time I get
a WM_TIMER message, is there a better method than this.  One problem
with this method is that sometimes, the program 'locks up',  I can
see that characters are coming in (modem lights blinking) but 
nothing is read from the comm port, I can exit the program, restart it
and it will work fine, but I could not fine a logical explanation for
above behavior

Any suggestions, pointer would be greately appreciated.

Thank You,
