[comp.windows.ms] HP New Wave - Opinions anybody?

mcw@wet.UUCP (Martin Warnett) (11/12/89)

The company I work for is considering developing for New Wave. HP was
kind enough to send us a copy. But in order to install it I have got
to drop back to DOS 3.3 (I am running 4.01 and all our hard disks have
been reformatted with >32MB partitions), buy a copy of Windows/286, 
(we use windows 386 exclusively on PS/2-80's) and buy a copy of 386MAX
as apparently it is the only expanded memory emulator that HP sanctions.

The question - is all this trouble even worth it? Any opinions would be

| Martin Warnett          | uucp:   ...sun!claris!wet!mcw            |
| San Francisco, CA       |         claris!wet!mcw@ames.arc.nasa.gov |

mherman@alias.UUCP (Michael Herman) (11/13/89)

You'll find a reasonable article in the current issue of Microsoft
Systems Journal.  It provides a very good overview of New Wave's