[comp.windows.ms] Drivers for Paradise VGA

spectre@unix.cis.pitt.edu (Robert Sillett) (11/22/89)

My computer lab recently installed 52 Digital DECstation 316's.  Much
to our suprise, they came with 256kB Paradise VGA cards installed (8
bit).  Since 256kB is enough to support 640 x 400 x 256 colors, I was
wondering if anyone had a driver for MS Windows, Lotus, or Word
Perfect 5.0, etc.

 --- Robert Sillett
Robert Sillett -- Univ. of Pittsburgh
Internet: Spectre@Unix.CIS.Pitt.Edu  []
Usenet:   ...!pitt!cisunx!spectre
Bitnet:   spectre@pittunix  OR  spectre@pittvms