[comp.windows.ms] how to change window's palette

wangsen@jacobs.cs.orst.edu (SEN WANG) (01/11/90)

I have a choice to use MS window development kit to write my application
program. It requires an extended VGA mode (640 X 480 with 256 colors, or
higher resolution - video-7 VRAMVAG card). I am not sure that if I can reset
the palette to the desired colors within may program, or the only way is to
get a desired device driver from hardware or software manufacture. Has anyone
done this type of work before? I'll appreciate any kind of help or information
who might provide.
Thanks in advance!
Sen Wang
Dept. of Forest Resources
Oregon State Univ.
Corvallis, OR97331
(503) 737-2845
wangsen@jacobs.cs.orst.edu        or         wangs@ccmail.orst.edu