[comp.windows.ms] Writing DOS apps to run with windows

root@tenset.UUCP (Super user) (02/21/90)

What is involved in writing a DOS application that has to handle interrupts
that can still run alongside Windows (286/386/3)? What should be the split
between device driver/tsr/application? How should they interact? Should I give
up now? What pitfalls (other than the problem of asynchronous handling of
interrupts) am I letting myself in for? Should I just write one thing for DOS
and one each for Windows 286/386/3?

Answers to any of these questions or pointers to where I might get some would
be much appreciated.

- Paul.
| Colin Manning            | Post: Tenset Technologies Limited,  |
| colin@tenset.uucp        |       Norfolk House,                |
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