[comp.windows.ms] Alternatives to MS Windows 386?

tremmel@iraun2.ira.uka.de (Wolfgang Tremmel) (03/01/90)

I want to buy myself a 80386SX - System the next time.
To use some of the features of 386 - Systems I am looking for
DOS - Extension Software (I can't switch to UNIX, because I do
a lot of development for DOS).
Most people I asked said, the standard is MS - Windows 386.

Are there other programs with similar/better features?
The system configuration will be:
	80386SX with 1MB memory and 40MB Harddisk and VGA Color - graphics.

Please send me mail, I will post a summary.


Wolfgang Tremmel		tremmel@ira.uka.de	tremmel@garf.ira.uka.de
Humboldtstr. 19			tremmel@uka.uucp
D 7500 Karlsruhe 1		tremmel@dkauni0i.bitnet
Tel.: +49 721 621256		BTX: 0623228497-0002