[comp.windows.ms] Microsoft Network

vincet@mead.UUCP (Vince Tan) (03/14/90)

Under the Windows Setup of Microsoft Windows 3.0 (Beta), there is
network menu option "Microsoft Network (or 100% compatible)".  Does
anyone out there know what "Microsoft Network" is.  Is it just another
name of NETBIOS, INT14 or the like?  I tried to reach Microsoft using
Microsoft Online, but Online failed to install on my ps/2 model 80.
Online seems to work on AT bus machines, but not on MCA machines!?

Thanks in advance!


Vincent Tan                                      (513) 865-1651
Mead Data Central, Inc.
P.O. Box 933                           mead!vincet@uccba.uc.edu
Dayton, Ohio 45401                        ...!uccba!mead!vincet