[comp.windows.ms] File date and time displayed in dialog box

gimpel@bevsun.bev.lbl.gov (Tom Gimpel) (03/19/90)

	Mike Morris sez:
>I want the About item to bring up a window which has ... "<application name>"
>Version NN.NN, dated MM/DD/YY, at HH:MM"

Here's what I did: In AboutDlgProc, which is the proc for the About... box put

BOOL FAR PASCAL AboutDlgProc (hDlg, message, wParam, lParam)
HWND	hDlg;
unsigned message;
WORD	wParam;
LONG	lParam;

struct stat stFileInfo;
struct tm *npstFileTime;
char   *szAmPm;
char   *szTemp [81];

switch (message)
		stat ("vers.exe", &stFileInfo);
		npstFileTime = localtime (&stFileInfo.st_atime);
		if (npstFileTime->tm_hour < 12)
			szAmPm = "am";
			szAmPm = "pm";
		if (npstFileTime->tm_hour > 12)
			npstFileTime->tm_hour -= 12;
		if (npstFileTime->tm_hour < 1)
			npstFileTime->tm_hour = 12;
		sprintf (szTemp, "%2d/%02d/%02d", npstFileTime->tm_mon + 1,
				npstFileTime->tm_mday, npstFileTime->tm_year);
		SetDlgItemText (hDlg, ID_FILEDATE, (LPSTR)szTemp);
		sprintf (szTemp, "%2d:%02d%2s", npstFileTime->tm_hour,
		SetDlgItemText (hDlg, ID_FILEDATE, (LPSTR)szTemp);
		return FALSE;
		(rest of dialog box code)

Don't forget to export AboutDlgProc in the .DEF file. (I always do)
vers.exe is the name of the program and will have a system date & time of the
latest compile. No path is specified here, so stat will look in the current working
directory. Experiment to see if there may be a problem with this. Use the name of 
your program in place here. stat and localtime are standard C library functions. 
For the declarations of these and the typedefs put these includes at the top of 
your program

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <\include\sys\types.h>
#include <\include\sys\stat.h>

Note the use of the nefarious sprintf function. You may want to do it right
and use simpler library functions, the undocumented windows long pointer
string functions, or the recommended method of making your own long pointer
functions with the assembler.

The dialog box template in the .RC file contains

ABOUTBOX DIALOG 60, 30, 117, 110
	CONTROL "Vers version 1.00", -1, "static", SS_CENTER | WS_CHILD,
							15, 11, 80, 8
	CONTROL "File date:", -1, "static", SS_CENTER | WS_CHILD,
							12, 27, 48, 10
	CONTROL "File time:", -1, "static", SS_CENTER | WS_CHILD,
							13, 42, 46, 10
							64, 27, 37, 12
							64, 42, 37, 12
					WS_CHILD        39, 67, 41, 23
	(rest of template)

Note the two controls identified by ID_FILEDATE and ID_FILETIME. Unlike other
controls of the static class, these will need unique identifiers because you
will be writing text to them with the SetDlgItemText function. The values
assigned to these will be up to you and will be in your program's header file.

Hope this helps.                     Tom Gimpel

Tom Gimpel

matts@microsoft.UUCP (Matt SAETTLER) (03/21/90)

In article <5135@helios.ee.lbl.gov> gimpel@bevsun.bev.lbl.gov (Tom Gimpel) writes:
>	Mike Morris sez:
>>I want the About item to bring up a window which has ... "<application name>"
>>Version NN.NN, dated MM/DD/YY, at HH:MM"
>Here's what I did: In AboutDlgProc, which is the proc for the About... box put
>BOOL FAR PASCAL AboutDlgProc (hDlg, message, wParam, lParam)
[Some code deleted]

>		stat ("vers.exe", &stFileInfo);
>		npstFileTime = localtime (&stFileInfo.st_atime);
>		if (npstFileTime->tm_hour < 12)
>			szAmPm = "am";
>		else
>			szAmPm = "pm";
>		if (npstFileTime->tm_hour > 12)
>			npstFileTime->tm_hour -= 12;
>		if (npstFileTime->tm_hour < 1)
>			npstFileTime->tm_hour = 12;
>		sprintf (szTemp, "%2d/%02d/%02d", npstFileTime->tm_mon + 1,
>				npstFileTime->tm_mday, npstFileTime->tm_year);
>		SetDlgItemText (hDlg, ID_FILEDATE, (LPSTR)szTemp);
>		sprintf (szTemp, "%2d:%02d%2s", npstFileTime->tm_hour,
>						npstFileTime->tm_min,
>						szAmPm);
>		SetDlgItemText (hDlg, ID_FILEDATE, (LPSTR)szTemp);

                                         ^^^^^^^^ Should be FILETIME

Under Microsoft C (5.1), just do:
		SetDlgItemText (hDlg, ID_FILEDATE, (LPSTR)__DATE__);
		SetDlgItemText (hDlg, ID_FILETIME, (LPSTR)__TIME__);

This will give the time of the compile.  This much more useful
(and more reliable) than the date of the EXE.  This is also not
dependent on the finding location of the program.  (as Tom said,
the code depends on the EXE being in the current directory; not
really a good limitation) The __xxx__ are defined by the C compiler.  

Other useful items are __LINE__ and __FILE__ which give the current 
source line and file.  (useful in doing Asserts ).

These are documented somewhere.  (I know that they are mentioned
on page 31 of the Quick Ref Guide.)

>Don't forget to export AboutDlgProc in the .DEF file. (I always do)

Ya, me too.  A good rule of thumb is if "strange things are happening"
then you forgot to export the function.

These opinions are my own, or so I'm told....