[comp.windows.ms] Win3 & DeskJetPlus softfonts problems

joed@hplsla.HP.COM (Joe Diederichs) (06/02/90)

I'm having trouble with Win3 and DeskJetPlus softfonts.  I installed
the "708C" (TmsRmn and Helv) softfonts in the default temporary mode
using control panel / printers.  In this mode, the fonts are supposed to
be downloaded into the printer as required by a given printing document.
It doesn't work.  Using either WinWord or Write, everything comes out in
the printer's built-in courier font.  Anybody made this work?

Thanks in advance,
Joe Diederichs

robertt@hpvcfs1.HP.COM (Bob Taylor) (06/05/90)

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but (I realize this is poorly
documented) the DeskJet and DeskJet Plus cannot handle a "temporary"
download - it's a firmware issue.  When using the Windows soft font 
installer, you must select permanent.  The confusion arises because we
share the soft font installer with the LaserJet, which can do temporary
downloads.  Sorry if this isn't what you wanted to hear -

bob taylor
HP Vancouver