[comp.windows.ms] Wallpaper

bytor@milton.acs.washington.edu (Michael Lorengo) (06/06/90)

Allright Everyone With Win 3.0 Do This:

Hold Down F3
Type WIN3
Release F3
Press Backspace

Pretty Cool Huh?

patrickd@chinet.chi.il.us (Patrick Deupree) (06/08/90)

In article <3946@milton.acs.washington.edu> bytor@milton.u.washington.edu (Michael Lorengo) writes:
>Hold Down F3, Type WIN3, Release F3, Press Backspace

Hey, I wonder if this guy read that InfoWorld article?  @:)
"Organized fandom is composed of a bunch of nitpickers with a thing for
 trivial pursuit."  -Harlan Ellison

Patrick Deupree ->	patrickd@chinet.chi.il.us