(Indra Singhal) (06/10/90)
This was scary... My config: AST Premium/286 2Mb on FastRam card. 640+128Kb extended running DesqView 2.25 with QRAM. Paradise clone VGA w/ 512K. Sony 1302A (upgraded) monitor. -Happy like a clam. In comes Windows 3.0, Oooo neat interface, got to switch!! Istalled W3 and with above config it only worked real mode, blah!! But worked well even from within DV. Word for Windows, Excel 2.1c were both happy... one at a time :-( New Config: 640+1408Kb extended... can no longer run DV. Used VGA config within Windows. [Paradise driver worked, but with 16 colors, the 3d effect of icons is lost :-( ] Normally run Ventura Publisher under DV in 800x600x16 mode using board supplied driver. Setup VP as a Non-Windows application... Fired it up and my monitor gave out a scream... Even the power indicator [little green led] went out on the Sony 1302... My heart sank... Cycling power on the monitor did not help. I thought I'd blown the monitor. Switched the system off. Took a deep breath and repowered... the led came back on, the monitor was alive! Phew... I saw myself get back $500. Call me stupid, I tried it again and reproduced the same. So here I am, back to good old DesqView. That was enough excitement for a Saturday! Windows 3 can wait to run in Standard mode! I'll live with the real mode! Can anyone explain this? I am thrilled Sony 1302s are smart! -- iNDRA | indra@amdcad.AMD.COM (Indra Singhal) (408) 749-5445 | {ames decwrl apple pyramid sun uunet}!amdcad!indra | MS 167; Box 3453; 901, Thompson Pl., Sunnyvale, CA 94088