[comp.windows.ms] Talking between windows and DOS

dzoey@terminus.umd.edu (Joe I. Herman) (06/15/90)

Hello, I've put windows 3 on my machine and so far I love the interface.

Here's the question:  I have a TSR that I load before I go into
windows that talks to a network card.  Is there a way I can get a windows
app to talk to this tsr?  Would it help if the TSR was a device driver?
Would it help if the TSR was accessed via an interrupt?  How do I handle
protected mode windows vs. real mode TSR code?

Finally, does anyone know what is in the DDK?  A table of contents or
a brief summary of what's in there would be a nice thing to know. 

                        Thanks for any info,
                        Joe Herman


"Everything is wonderful until you know something about it."