[comp.windows.ms] Catching Windows Messages

reilly@bnlux0.bnl.gov (kevin reilly) (06/16/90)

	This goes out to all of you ACTOR programmers. I have recently
been using Actor for 3 months and have been porting code from Petzold.
In the program BLOWUP (pg. 189 - 192) Petzold has left out the ability
of the window to be resized and then redraw itself using StretchBlt() to
fit the windows new dimensions. My problem lies in the ability to
capture the resize message.
	It seems I cannot catch it quick enough to store the old window
pattern and then recall it when the window has been resized. I have even
tried storing the pattern as soon as it has been written initially but
to no avail. Any pointers?

Thank You
Kevin Reilly

P.S. To all of you who want to program in Windows but were afraid to ask
you should seriously consider Actor. Especially if your a student $99 is
not too much for the amount of experience you will obtain. I have run
into some problems which will be the focus of a future letter.