[comp.windows.ms] 386 Mode Video Problem

tea6219@evtprp0b (Terry E. Acker) (06/28/90)

I need some help with Windows 3.0.  I have a 386SX, 2Mb RAM, Vega EGA
card in CGA mode, CGA monitor (I am working on a replacement).  When 
running in 386 mode, if I try to execute any DOS applications (including
a DOS shell) I get the following message:  "386 System Display Type Mismatch".
When I installed Windows, I told it I had CGA.  Using the supplied program
that is supposed to force CGA emulation "vega cga:on" does not make a 

If anyone can help, I will email my config.sys, autoexec.bat, and system.ini.

Thanx in advance.

press@venice.SEDD.TRW.COM (Barry Press) (06/28/90)

In article <164@evtprp0b.UUCP> tea6219@evtprp0b (Terry E. Acker) writes:
>I need some help with Windows 3.0.  I have a 386SX, 2Mb RAM, Vega EGA
>card in CGA mode, CGA monitor (I am working on a replacement).  When 
>running in 386 mode, if I try to execute any DOS applications (including
>a DOS shell) I get the following message:  "386 System Display Type Mismatch".

Gee, and I thought I was the only one.  I get the same problem with a Zenith
386 Turbosport (also CGA), 3MB RAM.  I actually fell into it working twice
(once with MS on the hotline, so I assumed we'd fixed it and closed the call).
I can't make it come up reliably; it usually does the thing you report.  I'd
sure like to hear of any suggestions.  From the minimal commonality between
our two systems, my guess is that there's a CGA problem.

Barry Press                                 Internet: press@venice.sedd.trw.com