[comp.windows.ms] Problems running Win 3.0 on 386 clone

bose@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu (Bhaskar Bose) (06/27/90)

A friend of mine has a 386 clone (AMI Bios).  Windows 3.0 seems to crash
randomly on his system.  Sometimes it crashes in the middle of redrawing the
screen.  The system has to be rebooted afterwards.  He also had trouble during
the installation process of Windows 3.0.  The system locks up.  

He doesn't seem to have problems with other software.  Does anyone have
any suggestions?  Thanks in advance.

bjones@ssc-vax.UUCP (Robert F. Jones) (06/28/90)

In article <48927@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu>, bose@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu (Bhaskar Bose) writes:
> A friend of mine has a 386 clone (AMI Bios).  Windows 3.0 seems to crash
> randomly on his system.  Sometimes it crashes in the middle of redrawing the
> screen.  The system has to be rebooted afterwards.  He also had trouble during
> the installation process of Windows 3.0.  The system locks up.  
> He doesn't seem to have problems with other software.  Does anyone have
> any suggestions?  Thanks in advance.

1)  What is the version of the AMI bios?  (xxxx-yyyy-mmddyy-Kx)

2)  Is the machine configured with an IDE drive?

standard disclaimer applies ========================== phone: (206) 773-2102
uucp:  uw-beaver!ssc-vax!bjones  or  ssc-vax!bjones@beaver.cs.washington.edu
snail: The Boeing Company, P.O. Box 3999, M/S 8K-04, Seattle, WA  98124-2499

mann@caip.rutgers.edu (Lisa Mann) (06/30/90)

> A friend of mine has a 386 clone (AMI Bios ).  Windoes 3.0 seems to
> crash randomly on his system.  Sometimes it crashes in the middle of
> redrawing the screen.

I friend of mine is having similar problems on a 386.  Seems that he
can get into Windows 3.0 if he does not touch the mouse at any time
the disk is being accessed.  At first we thought maybe the mouse was
trying to share an interrupt, but we later found that the real problem
is when the display tries to update the mouse motion while the disk is
being accessed.  So the problem lies with his VGA card.  On another
system that works fine, the mouse is constantly polled, but on his
system, the mouse generates a request that somehow interferes with
the screen update while INT14 for the disk drive is high.  Yesterday
we were working on a kludge to disable the display update due to mouse
activity during disk access.  This should work, but it is not the
ideal solution, and I can't remember which display board he is using.

If this sound familiar, email me and I will find out the details of
his configuration