[comp.windows.ms] Video-7 Driver Question

pfeifer@hpavla.AVO.HP.COM (Mark Pfeifer) (07/11/90)

What resolutions does the Video-7 (w/512K) driver shipped with Windows 3
support?  I'm considering getting a Video-7 1024i card w/512K, but my
monitor can only support 800x600.  Will this work?

	Mark Pfeifer				pfeifer@hpavla.hp.com
	Hewlett-Packard Avondale Division
	Avondale, PA				#include <disclaimer.h>
	______________________________________	#define OPINIONS mine


ttak@uhura.cc.rochester.edu (Timothy Takahashi) (07/12/90)

In article <9280006@hpavla.AVO.HP.COM> pfeifer@hpavla.AVO.HP.COM (Mark Pfeifer) writes:
>What resolutions does the Video-7 (w/512K) driver shipped with Windows 3
>support?  I'm considering getting a Video-7 1024i card w/512K, but my
>monitor can only support 800x600.  Will this work?

The Video-7 driver supplied with windows is for 640x480x256 colors.
The other drivers for 740x400 (?), 800x600 and 1024x768 are available
from the Video-7 BBS (or call video-7)


gyugyi@portia.Stanford.EDU (Paul Gyugyi) (07/13/90)

In article <9280006@hpavla.AVO.HP.COM> pfeifer@hpavla.AVO.HP.COM (Mark Pfeifer) writes:
>What resolutions does the Video-7 (w/512K) driver shipped with Windows 3
>support?  I'm considering getting a Video-7 1024i card w/512K, but my
>monitor can only support 800x600.  Will this work?

I have a 1024i w/512K and use the 800x600 res driver from Video-7
on my Multisync II, and an pleased with the results.  HOwever, I
would advise you to look for a video board that will do 800x600 in
256 colors.  The 1024i is limited to 16, although other Vid-7 boards
will do 800x600x256 with only 512K.  As for the 640x480x256 color
driver that comes with windows for the Vid-7 boards, I have been unable
to get any program other than the desktop to load in a 256 color bitmap
and display it in more than the 20 default colors windows puts in the
pallette.  Even Paintbrush, which will load and display a 256 color
file, won't let me draw with more than the 20 default colors.  I have this
nice 256 color fractal gif, and can only paint with 20 colors?  Even when
I choose to create a custom color, it just gives me a 16 color dithered
brush.  Of course I realize that it's probably deliberately crippled,
and I realize that although most companies have maintenance versions
of their product to work with 3.0 noone has figured out the palette manager

>	Mark Pfeifer				pfeifer@hpavla.hp.com
>	Hewlett-Packard Avondale Division
>	Avondale, PA				#include <disclaimer.h>
>	______________________________________	#define OPINIONS mine

Paul Gyugyi

karl@ficc.ferranti.com (Karl Lehenbauer) (07/13/90)

In article <9280006@hpavla.AVO.HP.COM> pfeifer@hpavla.AVO.HP.COM (Mark Pfeifer) writes:
>What resolutions does the Video-7 (w/512K) driver shipped with Windows 3
>support?  I'm considering getting a Video-7 1024i card w/512K, but my
>monitor can only support 800x600.  Will this work?

The Video-7 driver shipped with Windows 3 only supports standard VGA 
resolution.  Maybe it uses the enhanced capabilities of the card to achieve 
higher performance or something.

You can, however, call Video-7's BBS and download drivers for Windows 3 for
~752X512 256 color, 800X600 16 color and 1024X768 16 color.  Or they'll mail
you a copy.  I got them and they worked for me in all resolutions.

Sorry I don't have the number, I'm at work and it's at home, but
it was one of the appendices of the Video-7 manual.
-- uunet!ficc!karl  	"I am here by the will of the people and I won't leave
   uunet!sugar!karl	 until I get my raincoat back." -- Metrophage

strobl@gmdzi.UUCP (Wolfgang Strobl) (07/14/90)

pfeifer@hpavla.AVO.HP.COM (Mark Pfeifer) writes:

>What resolutions does the Video-7 (w/512K) driver shipped with Windows 3
>support?  I'm considering getting a Video-7 1024i card w/512K, but my
>monitor can only support 800x600.  Will this work?

Sure. It supports 640*480*256 only. I have tried to reach their
US bbs in order to download new drivers, but have not succeeded
so far.

At home I use an Eizo 9060S (which supports up to 600*800) with
a cheap Tseng card (optima 1024/a plus with 512K) with the 800*600*16
driver which I got from this newsgroup. I am very satisfied with
this configuration. (I would be even move satisfied if I could
get a driver supporting the cards 800*600*256 mode). 
Of course the 1024i is much faster than my card.

Wolfgang Strobl
#include <std.disclaimer.h>