[comp.windows.ms] Frustrating bug in Excel

SO-MJH@finou.oulu.fi (07/17/90)

I have come across a bug in Microsoft Excel ver 2.0 and 2.1c (probably
in other versions, too) which gave me trouble for days.

Create the following sheet:

      Cat1       1
      Cat2       2
      Cat3       3

and a chart from the 4 by 3 cell area. Save sheet and chart. Close
chart window. Clear the cell from sheet containing eg. label 'cat2'.
Save sheet and close the window. Open chart and update external
references by answering 'yes' in the dialog box. Nothing special
yet. Save chart and close window.

Open the chart again. What happens next depends on your Excel version
and Windows environment.

With Excel 2.0 and Run-time Windows you can see garbage in place of
the deleted category label. When you answer 'yes' in the dialog box,
the garbage disappears.

With Excel 2.1c and Windows 3.0 ver 1.0 (in standard or 386 mode) the
chart looks ok, when the dialog box appears. When you update the
references though, you get the message (yes, you got it right)
'UNRECOVERABLE APPLICATION ERROR. Terminating current application.'

I wasn't too surprised about the fact that the people in the hot line
service were of no help in solving the problem. What surprises me is
the fact that Microsoft still seems to beta test products on the

+-------------------------------+  +-----------------------------+
|         Mika Hepoviita        |  |                             |
|      SO-MJH@FINOU.OULU.FI     |  |       Jai guru deva om      |
|  University of Oulu, Finland  |  |                             |
+-------------------------------+  +-----------------------------+

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