[comp.windows.ms] How to print on Laserwriter on AppleTalk from Windows3.0? HELP!!

bach@vax1.acs.udel.EDU (Baskaran Subramaniam) (07/28/90)

When I posted this query on pc.programmer and pc.misc, I didn't realize there
is a newsgroup for windows.  My apologies if I am boring those people who
saw my posting on those nets.

We have an IBM AT connected to a couple of Macs and an Apple Laserwriter Plus
using LocalTalk/AppleTalk.  We have Tops Flashcard in the PC to connect it to
the network.  So far, we have been using it to send memos between the machines.
But, I want to make use of the Laserwriter on the network, to print documents
from the PC.  I have Windows3.0.  Is there a way of configuring the Print 
Manager to print on the Laserwriter on the network.  I do not have any other
filesharing software running on the PC.  All I have are the basic drivers 
that came with Flashcard.  

Has anybody on the net done this?  Any suggestions?  
I would appreciate any help.


dall@plains.UUCP (Brian Dall) (07/30/90)

In article <6792@vax1.acs.udel.EDU> bach@vax1.udel.edu (Baskaran Subramaniam) writes:
>We have an IBM AT connected to a couple of Macs and an Apple Laserwriter Plus
>using LocalTalk/AppleTalk.  We have Tops Flashcard in the PC to connect it to
>the network.  So far, we have been using it to send memos between the machines.
>But, I want to make use of the Laserwriter on the network, to print documents
>from the PC.  I have Windows3.0.  Is there a way of configuring the Print 
>Manager to print on the Laserwriter on the network.  I do not have any other
>filesharing software running on the PC.  All I have are the basic drivers 
>that came with Flashcard.  

I work with a '386 and a Mac connected to a LaserWriter II NTX and a
Varityper 4300P high resolution imagesetter through TOPS/LocalTalk.
Our old solution was to print to a file and use tprint (included with
your FlashCard) to send the files to the appropriate device. We set
up batch files to automate most of this.  We just recieved our Windows
upgrade, so I haven't had a chance to experiment with running with the
atalk.sys driver installed and running the batch files under Windows 
yet.  Microsoft has promised LocalTalk/AppleTalk drivers sometime down
the road.  It could be a long wait.

As long as I'm at it, I would like to flame Microsoft for cutting the
printer drivers that they included in the upgrade.  They really make
life as a service bureau difficult by providing the public with new
versions of graphic applications and then cutting the support for many
of the output devices that worked under Windows 2.11.  Specifically, we
are currently unable to get output from Windows 3.0 larger than letter
size from our PostScript Imagesetter.  Thank goodness we can open files
from PageMaker 3.01 using PageMaker 3.0 under Windows 2.11.  For Corel
Draw! and Designer files, we are SOL until Microsoft releases the new
drivers sometime mid-August!

-Brian Dall