mussar@bcars53.uucp (G. Mussar) (08/19/90)
To get your WinWord 1.1 upgrade in Canada send: 1) $15.00 CND (+ PST if in Ontario $1.20) 2) First page of your hardcover manual (or first disk) 3) Diskette size 4) Shipping info to Microsoft Canada 6300 Northwest Drive Mississauga, Ont. L4V 1J7 Attn: Upgrade Department The upgrade *is* shipping. FLAME ON I spent at least a week calling MS Canada to find out about the upgrade. They originally didn't admit the existence of any upgrade, even after they were told about the annoucements in the US. They wouldn't say ANYTHING about the upgrade (not even a projected release date in Canada). They have finally decided to announce. The US upgrade price was $7.50, so naturally, taking a fair exchange of US and Canadian dollars, the price is double in Canada. The US owners have been mailed upgrade coupons based on their computer list of registration cards received. In Canada, they claim that the computer is too hard to use and insist that you mutilate your hard cover manual to prove ownership. (Why did I bother sending in a registration card anyways? Does MS Canada just compile and sell the mailing list?) Perhaps they should take a lesson from Qualitas. My 386MAX has a set of "Proof of ownership" coupons included in the package. Nice touch. Perhaps some hate mail to Malcolm McTaggart, Managing Director of Microsoft Canada would be in order. This message has also been posted on BIX. Feel free to post it on other BBSs. Book multilators are almost as bad a book burners. FLAME OFF -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gary Mussar |Bitnet: | Phone: (613) 763-4937 BNR Ltd. | UUCP: ..uunet!bnrgate!bcars53!mussar | FAX: (613) 763-2626