[comp.windows.ms] Running Applications Version 3.0

gt3070b@prism.gatech.EDU (Jeff Watkins) (08/20/90)

I recently acquired my Windows Version 3.0 SDK and found this useful command in
the SDK help file.  I hope that I am not breaking any copyright laws in posting
this... but the help did not come up specifying that the text was copyrighted
by anyone at anytime.  So here it is...


WinExec  [3.0]
Syntax	WORD  WinExec(lpCmdLine, nCmdShow)
	This function executes the Windows or non-Windows application identified
	by the lpCmdLine parameter. The nCmdShow parameter specifies the initial
	state of the application's main window when it is created.

Parameter	Type/Description
lpCmdLine	LPSTR	Points to a null-terminated character string that 
			contains the command line (filename plus optional 
			parameters) for the application to be executed. If the 
			lpCmdLine string does not contain a directory path, 
			Windows will search for the executable file in
			this order: 
				1.	The current directory
				2.	The Windows directory (the 
					directory containing WIN.COM); the 
					GetWindowsDirectory function obtains
					the pathname of this directory
				3.	The Windows system directory 
					(the directory containing such system
					files as KERNEL.EXE); the 
					GetSystemDirectory function obtains 
					the pathname of this directory
				4.	The directories listed in the 
					PATH environment variable
				5.	The list of directories mapped 
					in a network
			If the application filename does not contain an 
			extension, then .EXE is assumed. 

nCmdShow	int	Specifies how a Windows application window is to 
			be shown. See the description of the ShowWindow 
			function for a list of the acceptable values for the 
			nCmdShow parameter. For a non-Windows application, the 
			PIF file, if any, for the application determines the 
			window state. 

Return Value	The return value specifies whether the function was successful. 
		If the function was successful, the return value is greater 
		than 32. Otherwise, it is a value less than 32 that specifies 
		the error. The following list describes the error values 
		returned by this function:

		Value	Meaning
		0	Out of memory.
		2	File not found.
		3	Path not found.
		5	Attempt to dynamically link to a task.
		6	Library requires separate data segments for each task.
		10	Incorrect Windows version.
		11	Invalid .EXE file (non-Windows .EXE or error in .EXE 
		12	OS/2 application.
		13	DOS 4.0 application.
		14	Unknown .EXE type.
		15	Attempt in protected (standard or 386 enhanced) mode 
			to load an .EXE created for an earlier version of 
		16	Attempt to load a second instance of an .EXE containing 
			multiple, writeable data segments.
		17	Attempt in large-frame EMS mode to load a second 
			instance of an application that links to certain 
			nonshareable DLLs already in use.
		18	Attempt in real mode to load an application marked for 
			protected mode only.
Comments	The LoadModule function provides an alternative method for
		executing a program.

P.S. if I have violated copyrights, please notify me promptly so that I may
cancel the article...

Jeff Watkins                       gt3070b@prism.gatech.edu
Convergent Media Systems           (404) 315-0105 voice  (404) 315-0231 data
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