(Magnus Karlson) (08/17/90)
I have been trying to get this to work fully but has so far been unable to succed, now hope for help from the net! Machine configuration: Toshiba 5100, 4MB ram, 80387, 100MB HD, Dos 3.3. TEST3 settings: 640KB base memory, 3MB + 384KB extended memory, Display card: (Internal) EGA compatibel Display mode: Enhanced color display (High resolution) mode Problem: 386-mode, start, switch back to windows and again switch to and the screen looks garbage. A "mode co80" will put the display in order again, but that won't offcourse be possible if inside some application. I think i have tried all possible settings in the PIF file but to no avail. Looking through documentation and .txt files only speaks of unrelated problems with the Toshiba 1600 and 5200 models and MS customer support i Sweden could give no hint. Could anybody please help? Magnus Karlson mk@vall (Magnus Karlson) (08/21/90)
I have now tested some more things without being able to get everything to work. After some talks with the Toshiba support in sweden we tried instaling the AT&T mono mode insted in windows, result machine hangs after showing initial copyright screen and clearing it, power off/on is only solution. Changing to latest ROM version (F i think it was) same problems with AT&T and EGA mode. Changing test3 setting from EGA (high resolution) to EGA (emulation), still same problems. The only time it nearly works is in real mode then restore is done to wrong screen mode but the display is readable... Now the suggest i test changing internal display controler which ofcource costs 10 times more the changing BIOS but they still doesn't know if this can correct the problems. Does anyone run windows 3 on a toshiba 510 and which configuration do you use? Please answer Magnus Karlson, mk@vall