[comp.windows.ms] WIN3 + PC-NFS + WD8003E EtherCard Plus

wnp@iiasa.AT (wolf paul) (08/30/90)

It seems from some postings I have seen go past that our problem
with Windows 3 and PC-NFS may actually be more related to the
Ethernet adapter we use, the WD EtherCard Plus, also known as the
WD8003E. We are using it with the factory-default addresses, but
with IRQ 3, since our VGA cards use IRQ 2 and cannot be changed.

We have not seen the system crash, but the NFS-mounted drives
(even the real ones, not just the phantom ones) cannot be accessed
by Windows.

If anyone (SUN? MICROSOFT? ANYONE?) has suggestions or solutions,
please let us know.

If we do get valid information which has not been posted, I will of
course summarize to the net.
Wolf N. Paul, IIASA, A - 2361 Laxenburg, Austria, Europe
PHONE: +43-2236-71521-465     FAX: +43-2236-71313      UUCP: uunet!iiasa.at!wnp
INTERNET: wnp%iiasa.at@uunet.uu.net      BITNET: tuvie!iiasa!wnp@awiuni01.BITNET
       * * * * Kurt Waldheim for President (of Mars, of course!) * * * *

alan@curly.Viewlogic.COM (Alan Medsker) (08/30/90)

In article <860@iiasa.UUCP>, wnp@iiasa.AT (wolf paul) writes:
|> WD8003E. We are using it with the factory-default addresses, but
|> with IRQ 3, since our VGA cards use IRQ 2 and cannot be changed.
|> We have not seen the system crash, but the NFS-mounted drives
|> (even the real ones, not just the phantom ones) cannot be accessed
|> by Windows.

Isn't IRQ 3 for COM2?  Where's your mouse?  Are you using a terminal? 
You might try putting the NIC on IRQ5 or something.

Alan Medsker                                 Viewlogic Systems, Inc.
Voice: (508) 480-0881                        293 Boston Post Road West
Fax: (508) 480-0881                          Marlboro, MA  01752
Internet: amedsker@Viewlogic.COM
cc:Mail: Alan Medsker at Viewlogic
CI$: 76376,662
BIX: amedsker
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My opinions, of course.  And don't hold me to them.