[comp.windows.ms] Zero byte DOS files

jam@sequoia.execu.com (James LeBas) (08/25/90)

"What I am using amounts to hardly more than stone knives and bearskins."

Does anybody know how to get a .bat file to test for the length of another
file; specifically, for the presence of a zero byte file?

A .bat file I use tests for the presence of certain files and if not found,
pipes an echo to an errorlist file; in so doing, the errorlist file should
contain all the error messages and can be thrown to the screen at the end of
the .bat execution.  The problem is, this statement:

	if not exist goodfile.txt echo goodfile.txt missing >> errlist

creates errlist as a zero byte file, even if goodfile.txt exists.  The 
presence of errlist should indicate that there is a problem.  So if I can
test for errlist's length, and act on that (by deleting it, if zero) then
everything's copasetic.


davidr@hplsla.HP.COM (David M. Reed) (08/26/90)

I have never found a way to get MS-DOS BATch files to preform this
trick, which I have often had need for.  Thus I turn to the MKS Toolkit
which has this capability in its 'test' command.  Not only can I test
if a file is zero length, I can also test if a filename in a directory
listing is that of another directory, and several other tests.

bud@cimage.com (Bud Howard/1000000) (08/27/90)

I guess few people know dos well enough!  It is _VERY_ simple.

	REM First check to see if the file is missing and write to errfile.
	if not exist goodfile.txt echo Goodfile.txt is missing! >>errfile
	REM Copy the original to a new name (be sure that all names are unique.)
	copy errfile errfile2 >NUL
	REM Because DOS will not copy a zero length file, if it is a zero
	REM length file the second one will be missing and we can delete
	REM the first one.
	if not exist errfile2 erase errfile
	REM This is just a cleanup line so not to have duplicate files.
	if exist errfile2 erase errfile2
	REM Here is where the errfile would be displayed to the screen.
	if exist errfile type errfile |more

This is very simple and quick.  



cgordon@vpnet.chi.il.us (Gordon Hlavenka) (08/29/90)

>Does anybody know how to get a .bat file to test for the length of another
>file; specifically, for the presence of a zero byte file?

Microsoft distributed (with source!) a program called WHAT.COM with some
versions of MASM.  The file was redistributed on some BBSs; I'm not sure of
the legality.

WHAT checks several interesting things, and leaves its results in a variable
in the master environment.  Thus, you could do this:
if "%WHAT%" == "0" echo File is zero-length.

WHAT also allows prompted input of strings, and other nifty things.  Sounds
like what you're looking for.

Gordon S. Hlavenka            cgordon@vpnet.chi.il.us

37KGLLQ@CMUVM.BITNET (Tony Papadimitriou) (08/29/90)

>I guess few people know dos well enough!
>        if exist errfile type errfile |more
instead: if exist errfile more <errfile

                              0   0

tim@int13.hf.intel.com (Timothy E. Forsyth) (08/31/90)

jam@sequoia.execu.com (James LeBas) writes:
>Does anybody know how to get a .bat file to test for the length of another
>file; specifically, for the presence of a zero byte file?

With normal DOS batch commands, NO.

[The following batch line produces empty errlst even if goodfile.txt exists.]
>	if not exist goodfile.txt echo goodfile.txt missing >> errlist
        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                           ^^^^^^^^^^

I believe the relationship between the IF and >> is as I have marked above.

There are two ways to keep from creating the errlist file, in the first all
commands are in the same batch file; in the second you create a secondary
batch file.

Example 1:


  <Leading batch file commands>

  IF NOT EXIST goodfile.txt GOTO missing
  GOTO continue
  ECHO goodfile.txt missing >> errlist

  <Trailing batch file commands>

Example 2:


  <Leading batch file commands>

  IF NOT EXIST goodfile.txt CALL missing.bat goodfile.txt

  <Trailing batch file commands>


  ECHO %1 missing >> errlist

If you are going to be checking for the existance of a lot of files, I
suggest you creat a batch file CHKEXIST.BAT which is a modification on
example 1.


  CALL chkexist.bat file1.txt
  CALL chkexist.bat file2.txt
  CALL chkexist.bat file2.txt


  IF NOT EXIST %1 GOTO missing
  GOTO end
  ECHO %1 missing >> errlist

Hope this is of some help.

Tim Forsyth

(Disclaimer:  This is just sharing of my own experiences with DOS batch
              files, and has nothing to do with my employer, Intel Corp.) 

Tim Forsyth, tim@int13.hf.intel.com or forsytim@ccm.hf.intel.com
Intel Corp., Oregon MicroComputer Division, Hillsboro, Oregon, USA