[comp.windows.ms] IBM mainframe-micro win3 prg?

LK-AP@finou.oulu.fi (09/10/90)

Hello earthlings,

   Could somebody tell a wise solution (program for Windows3) to connect
   IBM 3083 (or 3090) mainframe and ordinary micro with windows3.

   We have here 3270 connection cards and Ethernet cards. I have read ads
   about EXTRA. Something like it might be Ok. But, but what about
   graphics from mainframe...

   If You have some Info about Windows3 and IBM mainframe,
   Please, drop a line.
| Mr Antti Peltonen       | Internet: lk-ap at finou.oulu.fi|
| University of Oulu      | Bitnet:   lk-ap at finou.bitnet |
| Computer Services Centre|                                 |
| Linnanmaa               |                                 |
| SF 90570 OULU  FINLAND  |                                 |