[comp.windows.ms] Power C, emacs, and GIF

tarquin@athena.mit.edu (Robert P Poole) (09/16/90)

OK, I have several questions.  Answers to any would be appreciated.

(1) I use the Power C compiler by MIX software.  Is it possible to use the
Microsoft Windows SDK with Power C?  If not, is there a third party SDK for
Windows I can try?  I seem to recall there was at one time a toolkit being
developed which allowed users to write machine-independent programs that could
then be compiled for the Macintosh, MS Windows, X windows, and a couple other

(2) I've seen Freemacs available on various FTP sites, and I've seen some other
Emacs emulators.  I know Emacs has a mode hook for X windows (that's what I'm
using right now!).  So has anyone seen a version of Emacs which runs under
Windows 3.0?

(3) Compuserve just recently changed the GIF standard.  Have any of the GIF
viewers for Windows been "fixed" to read the new protocol?  (It's not much
different from the old protocol, it just has some extra features so that
application specific data can be encoded in the GIF file.)

Thanks in advance!
Rob Poole

Robert P. Poole                       tarquin@athena.mit.edu
46 Massachusetts Avenue               MIT Course VIII
311B Bexley Hall                      "I love the smell of napalm early in the
Cambridge, MA  02139                   morning.  Smells like... victory!"