[comp.windows.ms] Dual display system with Windows 3.0

fargo@iear.arts.rpi.edu (Irwin M. Fargo) (09/18/90)

I just recently purchased an Orchid ProDesigner II with a 19" monitor to
augment my existing graphics subsystem (Video 7 EGA Deluxe w/NEC Multisync)
and I was wondering what kind of support, if any, exists in Windows 3.0 for
multiple graphics displays.

I understand that I can have a monochrome (MDA) and EGA (or CGA and EGA) in
the same system, but I've never really heard if an EGA and VGA combination
would work.

Please e-mail any replies and I'll summarize if there's enough interest.

Thank you and happy hunting!		Actually: Ethan M. Young
"If Linus looked like Worf, would you	Internet: fargo@iear.arts.rpi.edu
 try to take his blanket away?"		Bitnet (??): usergac0@rpitsmts.bitnet
	- dorsai@pawl.rpi.edu		Disclaimer: Who said what?