(A Knight in White Satin) (09/25/90)
Sorry if this isn't a proper use of bandwidth.. Our programming team is looking into using MS-Windows as an interface tool, but need some information about Windows. Our existing code is in Turbo C++. Does Windows have an "assembly interface" _a la_ Desqview? Or is the _only_ way to access it from MSC? (Im referring to the developer's kit) What does the library of routines look like? Is it going to be a royal pain (ie more than it is worth) to switch over from our current implementation? And--especially important--what is the licensing like for the SDK and programs written with it? (The software we are using would be distributed state-wide to at least 70 users, probably far more than that, so if we have to pay royalties based on that, we could have a serious problem) Thanks in advance, Doug Oosting PS -- What is Microsofts Sales phone number? -- D.R. Oosting, Univ. of Florida | And if you listen very hard/the tune will | come to you at last/When all is one and fnord@eris.disc.ilm.bav | one is all/To be a rock and not roll... Cypress School, Cuong Nhu Karate /// Barony of An Crosaire, Trimaris