[comp.windows.ms] 1024x768 colors problem

thaler@shorty.cs.wisc.edu (Maurice Thaler) (09/06/90)

I have recently upgraded my video card to a STB with 1Meg of memory and
it came with a 1024x768x256 driver for WIN3.0. All is great but for one
small problem. 
I hate the way the selection bar on pulldown menus looks! I have gone
into the COLORS program of the control pannel and set EVERY possible
setting to black or white (just to eliminate the possiblity of my
missing a setting) and the selection bar is still a light cyan with
white letters which is difficult to read. I am using a Sony HG monitor
in non-interlaced mode and it looks fine except for the tiny type.

So the question is, is there a way to change the color of this selection
bar, and is this flaw also for other 1024 drivers like the 8514a?

Maurice Thaler   SYSOP  Audio Projects BBS (608) 836-9473
                 SYSOP  Power Board    BBS (608) 222-8842  

geoffs@gssc.UUCP (Geoff Shapiro) (09/07/90)

In article <11180@spool.cs.wisc.edu> thaler@shorty.cs.wisc.edu (Maurice Thaler) writes:
|I have recently upgraded my video card to a STB with 1Meg of memory and
|it came with a 1024x768x256 driver for WIN3.0. All is great but for one
|small problem. 
|I hate the way the selection bar on pulldown menus looks! I have gone
|into the COLORS program of the control pannel and set EVERY possible
|setting to black or white (just to eliminate the possiblity of my
|missing a setting) and the selection bar is still a light cyan with
|white letters which is difficult to read. I am using a Sony HG monitor
|in non-interlaced mode and it looks fine except for the tiny type.
|So the question is, is there a way to change the color of this selection
|bar, and is this flaw also for other 1024 drivers like the 8514a?

The color of the highlighted text and the highlighted background in
selected menu bars is specified in the resources which have been compiled
into the Windows display driver. In this case it sounds like the STB
1kx768x256 driver is using the same color set as specified in the 8514
resources. There is no way (that I know of) to change this except by
changing the resources and rebuilding the display driver.


...!{tektronix!verdix}!sequent!gssc!geoffs             Geoff Shapiro
(503) 641-2200                                         Graphic Software Systems
* This space intentionally  *                          9590 S.W. Gemini Dr.
* left blank.               *                          Beaverton, OR  97005

dmerrill@hpspcoi.HP.COM (David Merrill) (09/07/90)

>/ hpspcoi:comp.windows.ms / thaler@shorty.cs.wisc.edu (Maurice Thaler) / 10:12 am  Sep  6, 1990 /
>I have recently upgraded my video card to a STB with 1Meg of memory and
>it came with a 1024x768x256 driver for WIN3.0. All is great but for one
>small problem. 
>I hate the way the selection bar on pulldown menus looks! I have gone
>into the COLORS program of the control pannel and set EVERY possible
>setting to black or white (just to eliminate the possiblity of my
>missing a setting) and the selection bar is still a light cyan with
>white letters which is difficult to read. I am using a Sony HG monitor
>in non-interlaced mode and it looks fine except for the tiny type.
>So the question is, is there a way to change the color of this selection
>bar, and is this flaw also for other 1024 drivers like the 8514a?
>Maurice Thaler   SYSOP  Audio Projects BBS (608) 836-9473
                 >SYSOP  Power Board    BBS (608) 222-8842  

There are a few color selections that the control panel doesn't affect.
I have no idea why.  Go into the win.ini file and find the [colors]
section.  The lines are in the format:
	Screenitem	red green blue
where red, green, and blue are numbers from 0 to 255.  Two lines that 
might help you are Hilight and HilightText.

Good luck!
Dave Merrill

chrisg@microsoft.UUCP (Chris GUZAK) (09/12/90)

In article <6323@gssc.UUCP> geoffs@gssc.UUCP (Geoff Shapiro) writes:
>In article <11180@spool.cs.wisc.edu> thaler@shorty.cs.wisc.edu (Maurice Thaler) writes:
>|I have recently upgraded my video card to a STB with 1Meg of memory and
>|it came with a 1024x768x256 driver for WIN3.0. All is great but for one
>|small problem. 
>|I hate the way the selection bar on pulldown menus looks! I have gone
>The color of the highlighted text and the highlighted background in
>selected menu bars is specified in the resources which have been compiled

Wrong.  There are win.ini settings for the Hilight and HilightText.  Just
add these to the [colors] section:
Hilight=255 0 0		;; red
HilightText=0 0 255	;; blue for example

Chris Guzak

gt3070b@prism.gatech.EDU (Jeff Watkins) (09/13/90)

Are there entries for changing the grayed color?
I would like my menu bar to be light grey.  Unfortunately that makes the greyed
entries in a menu invisible.
Where did you find these entries?


Jeff Watkins                       gt3070b@prism.gatech.edu
Convergent Media Systems           (404) 315-0105 voice  (404) 315-0231 data
"I speak for no-one. AND NO-ONE SPEAKS FOR ME... oh, yes, _dear_...I gotta go..."

spolsky-joel@cs.yale.edu (Joel Spolsky) (09/13/90)

In article <13591@hydra.gatech.EDU> gt3070b@prism.gatech.EDU (Jeff Watkins) writes:
>Are there entries for changing the grayed color?

Yup. In the [Colors] section of your win.ini you can add:

ButtonFace = r g b
ButtonShadow = r g b
ButtonText = r g b
GrayText = r g b
Hilight = r g b
HilightText = r g b

where r g and b are red, green and blue values respectively, 0 - 255.

Joel Spolsky
spolsky@cs.yale.edu                                     Silence = Death

jag@PacBell.COM (Jim Goncher) (09/13/90)

Okay, so I know how to handle changing button and "normal" hi-lite colors.
But, the choices I have made for my windows (greys as backgrounds and botton)
make the hi-lited keywords in help screens barely readable. They are light
yellow. How do I change THEM? I have tried to use win.ini to do this with
no success. Hope someone can help. Thanks.
Jim Goncher 415/823-0663 {bellcore,sun,ames,pyramid}!pacbell!jag

geoffs@gssc.UUCP (Geoff Shapiro) (09/28/90)

In article <11180@spool.cs.wisc.edu> thaler@shorty.cs.wisc.edu (Maurice Thaler) writes:
|I have recently upgraded my video card to a STB with 1Meg of memory and
|it came with a 1024x768x256 driver for WIN3.0. All is great but for one
|small problem. 
|I hate the way the selection bar on pulldown menus looks! I have gone
|into the COLORS program of the control pannel and set EVERY possible
|setting to black or white (just to eliminate the possiblity of my
|missing a setting) and the selection bar is still a light cyan with
|white letters which is difficult to read. I am using a Sony HG monitor
|in non-interlaced mode and it looks fine except for the tiny type.
|So the question is, is there a way to change the color of this selection
|bar, and is this flaw also for other 1024 drivers like the 8514a?

Well, the color that highlights text in the menus is determined by values
which are hard-compiled into the display driver executable. There is no way
(that I know of) to alter this RGB value from within Windows -- it would take
a new display driver!

This is only a problem (and that is subjective too) in display drivers
which utilize the 8514/a resources. For example, the Windows 3.0 display
drivers for the DGIS product which my company markets is a high res display
driver which DOES NOT use the offensive highlight colors you mention. Instead,
we decided to keep the highlight colors similar to VGA (ie: black highlight,
white text).

 UUCP: tektronix!sequent!gssc!geoffs          INTERNET: geoffs@gssc.gss.com
PHONE: (503) 641-2200                          USMAIL: Graphic Software Systems
* GSS is a wholly owned subsidiary *                   9590 S.W. Gemini Dr.
*    of Spectragraphics, Corp.     *                   Beaverton, OR  97005 USA