H.C.Davis@ecs.soton.ac.uk (Hugh Davis) (10/02/90)
The Amstrad 2000 series built in VGA is supposed to be 100% VGA compatible (based on Paradise board I am told?). However Windows seems convinced that the screen is *mono*! Attempts to fool it by forcing it to accept the VGA colour driver cause it to crash. Does anyone know of a VGA driver that works in colour on this machine? One idea was to use the VGA driver that Amstrad supplied with the Windows 2 distribution disks, but it seems that they "built it in" in some way, so there is no separately identifiable VGA.DRV on the disks as far as I can see. ---------------- H.C.Davis@uk.ac.soton.ecs Hugh Davis Tel: +44 703 595000 X3669 Dept of Electronics and Computer Science Fax: +44 703 593045 University of Southampton Telex: 47661 SOTONU G Southampton SO9 5NH England