[comp.windows.ms] Windows SDK System Palette Change?

oracle@dayton.saic.com (10/04/90)

	I have a question about modifying the system palette using the
Microsoft Windows SDK (Ver 3.0 )!  How is it done!?

	I need to reset the palette to 16 solid shades of gray for an 
imagery display application.  The following summarizes the steps I 
used unsuccessfully!


hDC = GetDC( hWnd );

				    (sizeof (LOGPALETTE) +
				    (sizeof (PALETTEENTRY) * (PALETTESIZE))));

pLogPal->palVersion    = 0x300;
pLogPal->palNumEntries = PALETTESIZE;    /* 16 */

pLogPal->palPalEntry[0].peRed	= (BYTE)0;
pLogPal->palPalEntry[0].peGreen	= (BYTE)0;
pLogPal->palPalEntry[0].peBlue	= (BYTE)0;
pLogPal->palPalEntry[0].pePlags	= (BYTE)0;
   .		/*        Entries 1 thru 15 set          */
   .		/*  17,  34,  51,  68,  85, 102, 119,    */   
   .            /* 136, 153, 170, 204, 221, 238, 255     */
hPal = CreatePalette( (LPLOGPALETTE) pLogPal);

SetSystemPaletteUse( hDC, SYSPAL_NOSTATIC );

SelectPalette( hDC, hPal, 1);
RealizePalette( hDC );


	When I attempt to post pixels to the screen, I use the following

SetPixel( hDC, x, y, RGB( 17, 17, 17 ) );   /* Explicit RGB Call */

	The explicit grey scales I define in my logical palette are not
mapped into the non-static system palette!  I am really frustrated, and 
would appreciate any help!  Please mail responses to the address posted 


	Tim G.

  ____ ____    ___               Tim Granger
 /___ /___/ / /     Science Applications International Corporation
____//   / / /___                Dayton, Ohio
           Internet: Oracle@Dayton.SAIC.COM  uucp: uunet!dayvb!Oracle

roberth@microsoft.UUCP (Robert HESS) (10/09/90)

Tim Granger (oracle@dayton.saic.com) Asks:
    I have a question about modifying the system palette using the
    Microsoft Windows SDK (Ver 3.0 )!  How is it done!?

    I need to reset the [system] palette to 16 solid shades of gray for
    an imagery display application.  The following summarizes the steps
    I used unsuccessfully!

    [...code was removed...]

You didn't mention what display driver you are using.  On an EGA, it is
of course a 'no-go', and VGA will only work if the VGA driver you are
using is palette aware.  The current VGA driver was not Palette aware,
because the _only_ time it would be able to do anything would be if you
wanted to hack on the system colors.

Any application that is wanting to do *anything* with the Palette
Manager should first be checking to see if the current device supports
palettes. An application can still do non-display things with the Palettes,
but the user should be informed that their current display does not support
the Palette Manager, so that they realize why things may not quite work
like they were expecting. This code looks like:

    hdc = GetWindowDC (hwnd);
    iCaps = GetDeviceCaps (hdc, RASTERCAPS);
    if (iCaps & RC_PALETTE) {
        MessageBox (GetFocus(),
            "Device Supports Palettes",
            szAppTitle, MB_OK);
    } else {
        MessageBox (GetFocus(),
            "Device Does Not Support Palettes",
            szAppTitle, MB_OK);
    ReleaseDC (hwnd, hdc);

The next thing it should do, is check to see what the color resolution
(bits per pixel) is for the device. This is not critical, but it will
help the application to better manage its color selection methods. This
code looks like:

    hdc = GetWindowDC (hwnd);
    fPalette = (GetDeviceCaps (hdc, RASTERCAPS)&RC_PALETTE);
    if (fPalette) {
        iCaps = GetDeviceCaps (hdc, COLORRES);
        wsprintf (szMsg, "COLORRES = %d", iCaps);
        MessageBox (GetFocus(), szMsg, szAppTitle, MB_OK);
    } else {
        MessageBox (GetFocus(),
            "Device Does Not Support Palettes",
            szAppTitle, MB_OK);
    ReleaseDC (hwnd, hdc);

And if you are manipulating the palette colors, either the System
Palette, or the Standard Palette, then during development, you probably
want to be running the example application 'MyPal' so that you can
easily verify if your palette manipulations are being performed.  MyPal
sets all of its entries to PC_EXPLICIT so that you can look straight
down to the current hardware palette.

     #####   ####### | Robert B. Hess                                      |
    ######  #######  | Technical ISV Manager - Developer Relations Group   |
   ####### #######   | roberth@microsof.uu.net                             |
  #### ##### ####    | Microsoft Corp., Redmond Wa (206)882-8080           |
 ####  ###  ####     |_____________________________________________________|
   "...my opinions are strictly my own, and not those of my employer..."