[comp.windows.ms] Difference between GetCurrentTime

tremmel@ira.uka.de (Susanne Tremmel) (10/14/90)

Does anybody know IF there is any difference between this two functions?
The description in the SDK - Reference Manual is the same. 

Wolfgang Tremmel

strobl@gmdzi.gmd.de (Wolfgang Strobl) (10/15/90)

tremmel@ira.uka.de (Wolfgang Tremmel) writes:
>Does anybody know IF there is any difference between this two functions?
>The description in the SDK - Reference Manual is the same. 

I would rather say the *result* of both functions seems to be identical,
while their descriptions are a bit different - at least in the V2 SDK.

GetCurrentTime: "... number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the 
                 system was booted."
GetTickCount:   "... number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the
                 system was started."

Wolfgang Strobl
#include <std.disclaimer.hpp>