[comp.windows.ms] WIN3 ibm3270 GDDM graphics connect ?

LK-AP@finou.oulu.fi (10/16/90)

Hello everywhere,
   I am searching windows3 connection program to IBM-mainframe.
     - Hardware; 3270 (coax) connection or ethernetcard or both.
     - Software; Mainframe GDDM graphicsand text support (=I want
       use my micro with WIN3 as IBM graphics terminal.)

   I have used Dyna Comm 3270 (sync.) it is quit O.K. but GDDM graphics
   is missing.

   I did read some papers about IBM Windows connection ver.2.0 but there
   is no word about GDDM-graphics (or Ethernet) support.

   If You know some other programs, please drop a letter.

    | Antti Peltonen          | Internet: lk-ap at finou.oulu.fi|
    | University of Oulu      | Bitnet:   lk-ap at finou.bitnet |
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