[comp.windows.ms] Paintbrush - use GCP to save the Clipboard

hadgraft@civeng.monash.edu.au (Roger Hadgraft) (10/11/90)

In article <8980@jarthur.Claremont.EDU>, jmerrill@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (Jason Merrill) writes:
> In article <3450@gmdzi.gmd.de> strobl@gmdzi.gmd.de (Wolfgang Strobl) writes:
>>You can paste clipboard contents larger than the screen by first
>>zooming out in Paintbrush (so you see you full page), then pasting
>>(you will see a hatched rectangle only, which you can move until
>>it fits), then clicking outside the rectangle (now you see the
>>real picture) and then zoomin back in.
> However, you STILL can't get full-screen pics this way.  Try pressing PrtSc
> sometime, then going into Paintbrush, zooming out, selecting Paste, looking
> at the hashed picture, clicking outside the rectangle, looking at the
> picture, then pressing ^C to see the whole picture; it's not all there.  I'm
> missing a centimeter or two on top and bottom.
I find using GCP is much easier. GCP will save the entire clipboard into PCX (or
other) format, and then bring the file into Paintbrush. Yesterday, I even saved
an 800x600 screen this way.

The GCP version I have is for Windows 2, but I've marked it for Win3, and it
seems to work fine. I wrote to the author about an upgrade, but haven't heard
anything. ANyone else know what's happened to it?
Roger Hadgraft                  |  hadgraft@civeng.monash.edu.au
Lecturer in Civil Engineering   |
Monash University               |  phone:  +61 3 565 4983
Clayton, Vic. 3168. Australia.  |  fax:    +61 3 565 4944 or 3409

amf@ecs.soton.ac.uk (Andrew Fountain) (10/16/90)

In <58769.27144af3@vaxc.cc.monash.edu.au> hadgraft@civeng.monash.edu.au (Roger Hadgraft) writes:

>I find using GCP is much easier. GCP will save the entire clipboard into PCX (or
>other) format, and then bring the file into Paintbrush. Yesterday, I even saved
>an 800x600 screen this way.

>The GCP version I have is for Windows 2, but I've marked it for Win3, and it
>seems to work fine. I wrote to the author about an upgrade, but haven't heard
>anything. ANyone else know what's happened to it?

I have the new Win3 GCP. It works well. You have to pay for it since it
is not shareware anymore.

amf@ecs.soton.ac.uk                  Dr. Andrew Fountain
Tel: +44 703 592831                  Dept of Electronics and Computer Science
Fax: +44 703 593045                  University of Southampton
Telex: 47661 SOTONU G                Southampton  SO9 5NH  England