[comp.windows.ms] Newest Wincomm Fix

butch@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu (H. G. Walker) (10/18/90)

I have just uploaded the newest version of Wincomm (wincomm3) to 
cica.cica.indiana.edu.  The new version is dated 10/16/90 and the file size 
is 504667 bytes.  It will be put on simtel etc. later.  Bug fixes include:
Unrecoverable App Error on Macro Recorder
Unrecoverable App Error in spawning other Apps
Kermit 7 bit fix
Sending "NULL" with CTRL-@
Keyboard remapper stores in session dir with .kbd extension
Break sent with SHIFT-CTRL-BREAK
DECID Terminal Inquiry supported in VT102 mode
Destructive/Non-Destructive Backspace Checkbox in Session Editor (Terminal view)

The following issues are being explored and any info provided would speed up
this process:
256 color handling
Partial screen erase/update in Session Editor

Please report any problems you experience as Synappsys is eager to get Wincomm
working on a universal basis.

