(Mark Job) (11/14/90)
I'm looking for a Windows 3.0 package or device driver which will support FAX peripherals. I am particularly interested in support of the TouchBase portable WorldPort 2496 Faxmodem, though I would consider any others even if they would require purchase of a new board. A device driver format would probably be best, as this would allow retrofit fax support to lots of existing applications. Second best would be a separate app which accepts its data via DDE, clipboard, or file import. The latter form would also be valuable for running the faxmodem in receive mode. WYSIWYG support of fonts and graphics at at least 192 dpi (standard group III fax resolution) or better should be available. Please respond via email. If there is interest, I will compile a list of replies and repost at a later date. Best regards, Mark -- --- Above is IMHO, not ESC's --*:*:*:*:*:*:*--------------------------------- UUCP: ...!!execu!job * "As far as we know, our computer has Internet: execu! * never had an undetected error." * - C.H. Weisert, Union Carbide Corp.