(Gary Scott) (11/16/90)
Having recently installed Adobe TypeManager I would like to make the observations: Potential Problem: If after you install ATM you get "unrecoverable application errors" try deleting your winword.ini file. I had problems with building tables in winword with ATM. A call to Adobe turned up nothing. But to Adobe's credit several days after talking to Candice at Adobe she called me back to tell me that they were able to recreate my problem and that there appeared to be a problem with ATM corupting the winword.ini file. Evaluation: If you have a high quality set of softfonts that you are currently using with windows don't be too quick to delete them. Though the ATM fonts are adaquate there is no comparison when looking at the ATM fonts and good softfonts. The softfonts are noticeably crisper. I use HP Type Director softfonts but Bitstream are probably just as good. The solution that I chose was to use softfonts for 6, 8, 10 and 12 point and ATM when I need something else. Besides the softfonts are slightly quicker to print. gls -- Gary L. Scott, Decision Technology, Beaverton, OR (503) 642-4196 "Strategic Business Applications" (subscription unix) Any opinion expressed are mine and do not reflect the opinion of anyone including myself!!!