[comp.windows.ms] X Window for PC running MS Windoe 3.0

my@dtg.nsc.com (Michael Yip) (11/17/90)

	X Window for MS Window 3.0

	Product: X11/AT
	Descrip: X Window Server, Telent, and FTP Server.
	Vendor:  Integrated Inference Machines (iim)
	Phone:   (714) 978-6201
	FAX:     (714) 939-0746
	Address: Integrated Inference Machines
	         Computer Products Division
	         1468 East Katella Avenue
	         Anaheim, CA 92805

I understand that this posting sounds (reads) like an ads
from IIM, but I have absolutely _NO_ connection with that
company but just a happy user.  I am posting IIM's address
because _many_ people send me mail asking for information
so I decided to post it instead.  Sorry.

	IIM makes X11/AT which is a X Window Server for PC's running
MS Window.  Before the version for MS Window 3.0, they had two other
versions one for Window 2.1 and another for Window/386.  I have never
try the ones for Window 2.1 and Window/386.  The only requirement of
the package is a 80286 or 80386 machine running MS Window and with at
least 2 Meg Byte memory.  I am currently running Window 3.0 using the
standard mode with 4 Meg memory, I also use it under enchance mode
also.  (I run it under standard mode because someone told me that
standard mode is faster than enchance mode!)  I am also running X11/AT
with an Orchid VGA card using 800x600 (x16 color) using an NEC 2A
monitor.  The performance is quite good but, of course it could be
faster.  (Anything could be faster.)  I am running the X clients,
Xterm, xclock, xmail, and Xviewlogic ECAD software on some SUN
Sparcstations over Ethernet.  Oh, I am also using OSF/Motif as my X
Window manager so both MS Window 3.0 and X Window function just the
same.  So far all the X application works, including X Trek.  However,
I wasn't able to get Openlook to run because I did not compile the
special fonts for Open Look.  By the way, the package came with a font
compiler which I didn't try yet.  The package also came with a plain
old Telnet application running under MS Window also, so that we can
start the first X application.  The package also provide an
implementation of FTP server running under MS Window.  Since MS Window
3.0 is "multitasking" in a sense, I was able to start the X11/AT's FTP
server while I was running X Window and being able to transfer files
between my SUNs and my PC all at the same time.  The FTP Server was
really useful.  Oh, the FTP server is just look like an icon but it's
look change when any file transfer is going on in the background.  I
think that the X11/AT package also provide some other utilities but I
did not have the time to play.

Anyway, I really like the package.  So give it a try.

-- Mike Yip

PS: Oh, if you do call them, please tell them you got their
    name from me, may be I can get a discount next time 
    when my company buy software from them.  ;)