[comp.windows.ms] Windows 3.0 & Novell

becap@quiche.cs.mcgill.ca (Brian CAPSON) (11/18/90)

We're having a bit of trouble printing with Windows3 and Novell Netware.
Our scenario is this: 15 IBM PS/2 model 70's connected on a token ring
with Novell Netware 386 version 3.1 and using a PS/2 model 80 as a
server. Our printer is an IBM Personal Page Printer II. The problem is
that th model 70's will not print on the PAge Printer in 386 enhanced
mode. Everything seems to work until a single (or sometimes more) reset
page(s) come out of the printer, and that's all. We have tried every
combination of parameters in the control panel for the printer, but
nothing works. The funny thing is that in Standard and Real modes,
and on the other model 80 we have connected to the network in all modes,
printing works fine. It seems to just a problem with PS/2 model 70's in
386 enhanced mode. I know the simple solution is just to run in standard
mode (yes I know there are alot of advantages) but we'd like to
multitask DOS apps. Has anyone noticed a similiar problem, or had model
70's in a network with no problem?

Brian E. Capson
McGill University
Montreal, Canada