[comp.windows.ms] Info on the IBM 8507 Monitor

andy@maximus.UUCP (Andy Lynn) (12/08/90)

	After MONTHS of looking around for a decent Gray Scale MONOCHROME
monitor, I find it ironic that IBM may be selling what I want:

	IBM 8507 Monitor
	64 level Gray/Grey Scale
	1025 x 768 VGA, SVGA, XGA (mumble, mumble, mumble)
	19 inch, NON-INTERLACE, Analogue
	$650.00 to $900.00 (no graphics card, local pricing sans sales tax)

	OF COURSE, I can't find any local shop that has one I can stare at.
Does anyone out in netland have experience and/or opinions about this device,
especially in a Win3 context?  Also - given the SVGA card woes I've seen
played out in this puddle, which card would YOU buy for this lash-up? I'm
under the (perhaps mistaken) impression that 64 level grey scale means
1MB SVGA support. WILL CODEVIEW BE HAPPY WITH THIS, or must I sacrifice yet
another small, unwilling animal?

	E-mail to andy@maxim.com will reduce/increase your karma X fold.

|Andy Lynn            |"This is just me...|What about the future?             |
|Teratec Systems, Inc.|impute no one else"|"And like the young lady said:     |
|Reston, Virginia     |STANDARD DISCLAIMER|'I said live it, or live with it!'"|