(David R Preston) (12/05/90)
Are there any macros for Word for Windows publicly available? I haven't seen any being posted, or on simtel. The following is a very simple autosave macro to use instead of the silly thing built into W4W that bugs you to save at random intervals. If you've never played with the macro feature: run W4W pull down the macro menu click on edit (in the macro menu) enter savenow for the macro name cut and paste the following macro into the macro editor save it and the global command changes In order to use it, you'll either need to assign it to a menu, assign it to a key, or have it run when you start W4W (more about that after the macro). ................................cut here................................... Sub MAIN If IsDirty() Then FileSave End If now$ = Time$() ap$ = Right$(now$, 2) hour = Val(Left$(now$, 2)) min = Val(Mid$(now$, 4, 2)) min = min + 4 If min > 59 Then min = min - 60 hour = hour + 1 End If If ap$ = "PM" And hour <> 12 Then hour = hour + 12 End If If hour = 24 Then hour = 0 End If If min = 0 Then nextime$ = Right$(Str$(hour), 2) + ":00" ElseIf min < 10 Then nextime$ = Right$(Str$(hour), 2) + ":0" + Right$(Str$(min), 1) Else nextime$ = Right$(Str$(hour), 2) + ":" + Right$(Str$(min), 2) End If OnTime nextime$, "savenow" End Sub .................................cut here.............................. If you'd like to have this run when you start W4W, create the macro AutoExec and paste the following into it: Sub MAIN FileNew If MsgBox("enable autosave?", 36) Then Print "autosave enabled" MacroRun "savenow" End If End Sub I expect to make this a little more sophisticated, and post a new version in about a week, but I wanted to see if anyone else was writing macros. -david B4 f+ t- k+ s-/+ r P8/3 S6 b+/- g- l-/+ y- z/! n o+/++ x a+ u v-- j++ D. R. Preston 584 Castro St. #614 SF CA 94114 USA
Hubert Lai <LAIH@QUCDN.QueensU.CA> (12/06/90)
In article <87252@lll-winken.LLNL.GOV>, (David R Preston) says: > >I expect to make this a little more sophisticated, and post a new version in >about a week, but I wanted to see if anyone else was writing macros. I'm really looking forward to seeing the enhanced version of your macro. The only other macro that I've seen is one called Enveloper 3.0. This is a super-sophisticated application written in WinWord's WordBASIC language that prints addresses to any HP laser printer. I found it on CompuServe. Actually, to call it a macro is misleading. It is very slick with auto- installation, etc. You would swear that the thing was a full-fledged application. Very hot! If you come across any other macors, by all means please let me know about them! <=- Hubert
vu@SRC.Honeywell.COM (Chi Vu) (12/06/90)
In article <90339.190939LAIH@QUCDN.QueensU.CA> LAIH@QUCDN.QueensU.CA (Hubert Lai) writes: > >If you come across any other macors, by all means please let me know about >them! > ><=- Hubert I found a couple of other macros on Compuserve that will allow you to save the name of several directories. Thus you can quickly switch to directories that you frequently use. Another macro inserts the full path name of the current document plus date and time. There are several others, but I don't use them very much, so I don't remember. On Compuserve look under the Word for Windows Library in WINAPP (or is it WINAPA?). -Chi Chi Vu Honeywell, Systems & Research Center Minneapolis, Minnesota (612)782-7544 (Guy Gallo) (12/07/90)
Preston, I've written several macros and uploaded them to Compuserve in the MSAPP library (12). There is a packet called which contains a bunch of utilities including an envelope printer for HP laserjets that bypasses the Windows driver; WindowStack, WinSideBySide, an autoexec macro for choosing starting directory, toggles. I like your autosave. I'll give it a look. Thanks. (Guy Gallo) (12/07/90)
The Word for Windows section of MSAPP on Compuserve is very active. You will find several packets of macros in Library 1 and Library 12. Browse on macros, or gjg. (Lynn Wallace) (12/13/90) (David R Preston) writes: >Are there any macros for Word for Windows publicly available? >I haven't seen any being posted, or on simtel. >The following is a very simple autosave macro to use instead of >the silly thing built into W4W that bugs you to save at random >intervals. If you've never played with the macro feature: Very interesting stuff. I am curious, is this a problem with other programs? Would someone mind mailing me info on which major programs do not have such an auto-save capability, and maybe some that do? How about programs on which you'dlike to see it? Thanks! -- Lynn Wallace |Yes, I speak for E&S. In fact, I'm the... Evans and Sutherland Computer Corp.|President of the company! Yeah, that's it! Salt Lake City, UT 84108 | =:-) (David R Preston) (12/13/90)
In article <> (Lynn Wallace) writes: > (David R Preston) writes: > >>The following is a very simple autosave macro to use instead of >>the silly thing built into W4W that bugs you to save at random >>intervals. > >Very interesting stuff. I am curious, is this a problem with other programs? Well, I'm a UNIX hacker and I believe in what-you-do-is-what-you-get. I don't want the idiot-proofing "I don't think you want to do that, Dave" that is built into all of the user-friendly software now. Or at least I want a way around it. Windows seems especially bad in this regard with its "do you want to close the program manager?", "do you want to close the file manager?" crap. The "autosave" in W4W pops up a message box, accompanied by a nerve-rattling beep, that asks if you want to save. It doesn't have "don't ask" as an option. BTW, my apologies to those of you who may have tried to use my autosave macro before 10am. My SO, a military brat, pointed out to me that the hours between midnight and 10am have to have a leading zero. A fixed version of the simple macro, and an autosave macro with a dialog box and options and a way to turn it off once it's been turned on, will be posted as soon as I get the error-trapping right, and do the auto-installing script. -david B4 f+ t- k+ s-/+ r P8/3 S6 b+/- g- l-/+ y- z/! n o+/++ x a+ u v-- j++ D. R. Preston 584 Castro St. #614 SF CA 94114 USA