[comp.windows.ms] ScreenPeace Files

sdf@abcom.ATT.COM (6362 ) (12/14/90)

Thanks to all those who sent me copies of the ScreenPeace screen saver
program.  I really appreciate it.  Now, I'm looking for saver files (.SPX)
to load into ScreenPeace.  Since I don't have FTP access I'm relying on
the good graces of all you out in Netland to help.  If you could send
me via uucp or UNIX mail your best .SPX files I'd greatly appreciate it.  
If there is sufficient interest I'll collect up all the .SPX files sent to me
and archive them so someone can post it to cica.

Thanks in advance.

Steve Fried.
*** "It is morally wrong to allow naive end-users to keep their money." ***
***             Stephen D. Fried,  AT&T,  Newark, New Jersey            ***
***  E-Mail: ...[!att]!abcom!sdf  sdf@abcom.att.com  attmail!sdfried    ***
***                    #include <silly_disclaimer.h>                    ***