[comp.windows.ms] More on Win3, WFW1.1, and PCNFS

cave@randvax.UUCP (Jonathan Cave) (12/15/90)

I am running win3, WFW1.1 and PCNFS on a Compaq 386/20e.  For a long time,
I have been running in Standard mode, since it lets my windows apps run
faster.  Also, it lets my PCNFS remote shell (rsh) commands work.  This
lets me read mail, print postscript files to a laser printer, send mail,
and so on without logging on.  In Enhanced mode, the PCNFS commands
"violate system integrity"

Well, I upgraded from WFW1.0 to WFW1.1 the other day.  Guess what?  In
Standard mode, any attempt to exit from WFW results in a "protect mode
violation."  Seems Standard mode can't see PCNFS drivers in the (high?)
used by WFW1.1, and enhanced mode can't see them at all, until it trips
over them, that is.  So I have to run in one mode to edit my documents
and another one to print them.  Can anyone help?  ("Get a Mac" is not
considered help, and I have no choice about PCNFS, which I like anyhow).
I don't want to go back to WFW1 since it has a 64K limit on the clipboard
buffer it imports, inherited from Windows 2.11.

Two other little goodies:  File manager cannot really handle remote
drives; it thinks everything on them is a file, so copying to the network
is virtually impossible (except by using e.g. xcopy in a dos window).  Also,
if I run Excel using a spreadsheet located on the remote drive, I'm liable
to get UAE crashes, sometimes catastrophic data loss (of any files open
from my PC drives -- thank heavens for UNIX stability).  Words to the
wise...  Can anyone suggest workarounds?  FWIW, I have no TSR's, screen
savers, custom cursors or other doodads.  I did, but that was in another
country, and besides, the ..... is dead.

cchapman@msd.gatech.edu (Chuck H. Chapman) (12/20/90)

In <2859@randvax.UUCP> cave@randvax.UUCP (Jonathan Cave) writes:

>Two other little goodies:  File manager cannot really handle remote
>drives; it thinks everything on them is a file, so copying to the network
>is virtually impossible (except by using e.g. xcopy in a dos window).  Also,
>if I run Excel using a spreadsheet located on the remote drive, I'm liable
>to get UAE crashes, sometimes catastrophic data loss (of any files open
>from my PC drives -- thank heavens for UNIX stability).  Words to the
>wise...  Can anyone suggest workarounds?  FWIW, I have no TSR's, screen
>savers, custom cursors or other doodads.  I did, but that was in another
>country, and besides, the ..... is dead.

There may be something wrong with your PCNFS setup.  I've never had any
problems using File Manager with remote PCNFS drives.  It recognizes
directories and files and I can launch DOS applications on remote PCNFS
drives by double clicking on them in File Manager.


Chuck H. Chapman  (GTRI/STL/MSD)             (404) 528-7168
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332
uucp:     ...!{allegra,amd,hplabs,ut-ngp}!gatech!msd!cchapman
Internet: cchapman@msd.gatech.edu