[comp.windows.ms] Looking for screen fonts for PostScript

knotts@hpl-opus.hpl.hp.com (Tom Knotts) (12/20/90)

I have a PostScript printer (HP LaserJet III with cartridge). I'm
looking for screen fonts to more closely match the PostScript fonts. As
it now stands, I am running AWYSIWYG - Almost What You See Is What You
Get.  The fonts included with the Windows 3 match OK in some cases, but
in others - the Zapf Dingbats for example - there is little or no match
at all.

Does any one know wherehow I can get these?



mir@opera.chorus.fr (Adam Mirowski) (12/21/90)

In article <69220010@hpl-opus.hpl.hp.com>, knotts@hpl-opus.hpl.hp.com (Tom Knotts) writes:
%% I have a PostScript printer (HP LaserJet III with cartridge). I'm
%% looking for screen fonts to more closely match the PostScript fonts. As
%% it now stands, I am running AWYSIWYG - Almost What You See Is What You
%% Get.  The fonts included with the Windows 3 match OK in some cases, but
%% in others - the Zapf Dingbats for example - there is little or no match
%% at all.
%% Does any one know wherehow I can get these?

You can get them from cica.cica.indiana.edu, directory /pub/pc/win3/fonts,
file fonts.lzh. All the standard Postscript fonts are there, along with
some others. They are at least usable with my EPSON-24-dots printer.
BTW, the file is to be unpacked with LHARC. It is also quite large.

Adam Mirowski,  mir@chorus.fr (FRANCE),  tel. +33 (1) 30-64-82-00 or 74
Chorus systemes, 6, av.Gustave Eiffel, 78182 Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines CEDEX

tj@gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca (Terry Jones) (12/21/90)

>%% I have a PostScript printer (HP LaserJet III with cartridge). I'm
>%% looking for screen fonts to more closely match the PostScript fonts. As
>%% it now stands, I am running AWYSIWYG - Almost What You See Is What You
>%% Get.  The fonts included with the Windows 3 match OK in some cases, but
>You can get them from cica.cica.indiana.edu, directory /pub/pc/win3/fonts,
>file fonts.lzh. All the standard Postscript fonts are there, along with
>some others. They are at least usable with my EPSON-24-dots printer.

It should be pointed out that BITMAPPED screen fonts for Windows that
match the Adobe PostScript fonts are available from cica. Now that 
Adobe Type Manager, SuperPrint, Facelift etc are available for WIndows
it is becoming increasingly important to be clear as to whe you are
talking PostScript fonts or Windows screen fonts since there is quite a

It might also be pointed out (since I have personally seen more than one
person make this mistake and heard it iterated over the net) that Adobe Type
Manager wants Adobe Type 1 fonts to work with. A number of people have
jumped for glee when they got a set of fonts (as described above from cica) 
or even the metrics (PFM or AFM files) and tried to install these in ATM. 
There is no free lunch on Adobe fonts (short of theft). If you want to
install more than the base four families then you pay bucks and get Type 1
fonts to augment your list. I personally have seen no sources of PD
Type 1 fonts (and would be GLAD to be enlightened of such, especially
including foreign languages!)
