[comp.windows.ms] Problems converting Mac fonts

larry@palan.UUCP (Larry Strickland) (01/21/91)

Please help me!  I must be especially stupid this week, but I can't quite
seem to convert some fonts and need help, help, help.

Here is how it goes:  I occassionally do work for a company that has some
of the Adobe fonts for a Mac.  They are now investing in Windows stuff on
the PC and would like to convert some of the fonts for PC use.  As I under-
stand, licensing is OK on this.

Following info on the net, I did the following:

1)  Got the unadobe program which converts Mac fonts to readable Postscript.
2)  Unadobe'd a font from a Mac (I've tried several, font makes no diff)
3a) Transfered the file without change (except name, I used DOS conventions
    and gave it a name like UNIVERSE.AFM) to the PC.
3b) Use Word on the Mac to load in the file and converted it to RTF form.
    Moved the RTF file to the PC and reconverted it to ASCII with (and also
    without) line breaks.
4)  Booted Windows and then WFNBoss from Corel 2.0 (a fantastic program!)
5)  Attempted to convert the font using 'Readable PostScript' option.
    Corel says:  No fonts of that type
    Fiddled with extensions.  Corel says the same.
6)  Repeated with both 3a and 3b types plus the w/ w/o line breaks.  Same
    results each time.
7)  Tried editing the file as suggested by someone on the net to eliminate
    CR's (or LF's?) in one area.  Made no difference.
8)  RTFM, I hope well enough.  No help.
9)  Screamed for help.

Can anyone tell me what I missed.  If its in the FM, please tell me where.
Several people posted messages back in Dec, saying they did the same thing,
but I just can't get it to go!

Thanks for any help, posted or mailed.  Will summarize as desired.