ries@venice.SEDD.TRW.COM (Marc Ries) (01/22/91)
I have an ATI VGA Wonder+ graphics card, with the V4 prom, and 512K. I just picked up a NEC 3D monitor. I also have the latest MS Windows Secondary Driver Files direct from MS. I have set up the ATI card for Multisync: NEC 3D setting. The card tests ok and shows 512K ram. I can not get the 800x600 or the 1000+ drivers to work. Everytime, the VGA logo appears, then just before the normal Windows background should display, I am bumped back to DOS. The ATI 640x480x256 driver does work, but is slow. To avoid net traffic, I won't post my config files, but: does anybody know what's going on? Does anyone who has a NEC 3D and an ATI SVGA card care to send me their config.sys, win.ini and system.ini files so I can see what a working system has? Thanx - Marc Ries (ries@venice.sedd.trw.com)