[comp.windows.ms] Severe performance degradation.....

ferizs@neuro.neuro.duke.edu (Feri Zsuppan) (01/29/91)

Newsgroups: comp.windows.ms
Subject: Re: Severe performance degradation with 386 enhanced mode, any tips?
References: <1991Jan16.224240.14201@news.iastate.edu> <7311.279bff79@eva.slu.se> <10430@bunny.GTE.COM>
Reply-To: ferizs@neuro.duke.edu (Feri Zsuppan)
Organization: Dept. of Neurobiology, Duke University Medical Center

In article <10430@bunny.GTE.COM> sc05@harvey.gte.com (Shih-Chio Chang) writes:
>I was following the discussion and did some experiments for myself.  I have
>found a possible cause that nobody had mentioned.  In my case, I am using
>a Compaq 386/20 and X11/AT with a 3Com305 card for ether net access.
>I have found that the Norton (ver. 4.5) SI index to be around 24 before
>window was launched, and stayed around that figure in full-screen DOS session
>in window enhanced mode.  However, the SI index dropped to around 20 for
>windowed DOS session.  Then the biggest degradation came when I launched
>NetTask, the resident network driver used by X11/AT.  The index dropped to
>around 15 in either windowed or full-screen DOS sessions.
>I do not have experience with other network drivers (I used PC-NFS and
>X-View for a while but they basically do not work with windows, and has the
>unfortunate limitation of 7 windows maximum posed by PC-NFS),  but I would
>imagine similar situations may occur.

You are absolutely right. I have had the same severe performance degradation
with FTP's PC/TCP on 386-25 in enhanced mode. You can see how slow by simply
watching file manager building up directory tree on a logical drive. Interestingly the Maryland's NFS doesn't have this severe degradation. I am using 3c503
Ethernet board. I have tried to get answer from FTP without any success. So
here we have a question to answer: Severe performance degradation, but only
with s_o_m_e NFS. Any hints?
